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Game Club

The Pine View Game Club is a group where you can express your love and appreciation for games, both digital and analog. We generally come together after school hours to engage in the games. Currently our goal is to bring students together to meet new friends, and allow them to play games they may not have at home.

if you want to come to a Game Club event to see if its for you, we most commonly meet:

  • Tuesdays After school from 3:00-5:30pm in computer lab A.
  • Thursdays after school from 3:00-5:30pm with the D&D club
  • Fridays on varying dates from 3:00-6:00pm in the lecture hall for Smash Bros tournaments

We have our own discord to make playing at home easier! 

Just stop and talk to a member of the game club and we can give you an invite link, but there are some rules you should know before you join:

  • everyone needs to have at least their nickname set to their name in the server so we know who’s who
  • all school rules also apply in the discord
  • be sure to check out the rules tab upon joining so you know what’s allowed and what’s not