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Breakfast and Lunch Information

Breakfast is served at the PVHS cafeteria from
7:30 – 8:15 am daily. 
(We honor free/reduced students .)
Cost:  $1.25 per breakfast (reduced .30 cents)

Lunch is served everyday during school
Cost:  $2.50 per lunch (reduced .40 cents)

Fees payed here: PayPAMS, MySchoolFees

Power School Information

Dear Parent,
Below is the information to help you log on or create a parent PowerSchool account so you can keep track of your student’s school information. If you have other students, you can also link them to your parent account.

  1. Log onto
  2. Click on the PowerSchool tab at the top of the page.
  3. Using your username and password (not your students) log on to your account.
  4. If you have not yet created an account, click on “Create Account” and create your parent account using your own username and password (not your students).
  5. Add your student’s information. (Access ID and Password)                                                      
  6. Once you are in your parent account, you can update your email, address, phone number, etc. by selecting the appropriate tabs on the left.
  7.  If you have already created an account and need to add another student to your account, click on “Account Preferences.” On that page click on students at the top of the page. Choose “Add a Student” on the Right. Enter that students access ID and Password.

Student’s Name:___________________________________
Student Access ID = ________________________________
Access Password = _________________________________

If you have trouble or any questions, please feel free to give me a call and I will do my best to help you.

Toni Blake
Secretary – Pine View High School
tgro.21khsaw@ekalb.ino    435-628-5255 ext. 102

Dual Immersion Information